
February 2024 – We are excited to welcome three new undergraduates to the lab, Kurt Mayer, Daniella Van Maele, and Aviel Cleveland!

January 17, 2024 – Andrew had a wonderful time at UC Riverside as a speaker for the Botany and Plant Sciences Seminar. Thanks to Dr. Jaimie Van Norman for the invite and to the awesome members of the UCR plant community!

December 18, 2023 – Excited to announce that Andrew has been named to the JCB Early Career Advisory Board! Looking forward to work with the other amazing members to promote the newest work in cell biology! See the announcement/group here.

September 2023 – We welcomed three new members to the lab! Tyler Castro and Hsuan-fan Chen are both undergraduates who will be conducting research in the lab. Gabriel Angres is the lab’s newest SRA and will be creating new programs for image analysis for the group. Excited to welcome all of them to the lab!

August 6, 2023 – Kensi presented her research at ASPB 2023 in Savannah, GA! Her talk was chosen for the concurrent symposium about new approaches to studying vegetative development, and she absolutely nailed it. Great work!

August 1, 2023 – Andrew is excited to announce that our first R35 was funded by NIGMS! We thank the funders for their support as we explore the cell mechanisms underlying plant polarity. Exciting new results to follow shortly 🙂

July 6, 2023 – Our newest paper is out in Science! Find it here to learn about a novel mechanism we discovered that ensures inheritance of a cell fate-enforcing polarity crescent during asymmetric cell division. For abbreviated summaries of the findings, check out the accompanying preview in Science, news piece from Stanford, and news piece from UC San Diego Today.

July 1, 2023 – Andrew was awarded a Hellman Fellowship to create computational pipelines for high-throughput analysis of imaging data from developing plants! Thank you to the Hellman Fellowship Fund for this honor and for supporting our work! Announcement here.

July 1, 2023 – We welcomed a new undergraduate student, Julia Keum, to the lab today. We’re looking forward to having you as part of our growing team!

June 6, 2023 – Our review discussing new developments in in the field of plant polarity is out in Current Opinion in Plant Biology! Find it here.

June 6, 2023 – Adele and Lili presented their posters at the UCSD Student Research Showcase. They both did a fantastic job, and Lili won third place in the competition. We are proud of your hard work!

June 1, 2023 – So happy to announce that Bianca Lopez was the winner of a SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship) Award from ASPB to conduct research this summer! Absolutely amazing work! Announcement here.

April 15, 2023 – Adele presented her senior project at the UC LEADS symposium. Great job, Adele!

February 13, 2023 – We are happy to welcome two new undergraduates to the lab, Bianca Lopez and Justin Lagala. We are excited to introduce you to the wonderful world of plant research!

February 9, 2023 – Andrew had a wonderful visit to UMass Amherst! It was his first time back to the East Coast in over 3 years, and it was great to hear about all of the exciting research going on in Plant Biology!

December 31, 2022 – We are heartbroken by the sudden passing of our respected lab member and friend, Nate Takatsuno. He was a treasured and integral part of our group, and we miss him dearly. To share memories and connect with family and friends, visit

December 1, 2022 – Akanksha Garhewal joins the lab as a postdoc. Welcome, Akanksha!

October 28, 2022 – Andrew gives a talk at the SoCal Plant Biology Day, hosted this year at UCSD. It was great to meet other plant scientists in the region!

October 21, 2022 – First lab pumpkin carving event!

September 21, 2022 – UCSD student Lili Follett joins the group. Welcome!

September 19, 2022 – Andrew gives a talk at the UCSD/Salk Biological Sciences Retreat. Fantastic to hear about all of the exciting science happening in San Diego!

August 5, 2022 – Aranza and Ivan give their final presentation at the ENLACE closing symposium. It was wonderful having them in the lab, and we wish them all the best as they head into their final year of high school!

July 16, 2022 – Our new preprint, “Cortical polarity ensures its own asymmetric inheritance in the stomatal lineage to pattern the leaf surface” is available on bioRxiv! We excited to share our new work identifying a new mechanism linking microtubule organization to cell polarity in plants.

June 28, 2022 – We welcome a new UCSD student, Madison Goetz, to the lab!

June 27, 2022 – We welcome Lizbeth Rodriguez, an Upward Bound summer student. We are excited to have you here for the summer!

June 21, 2022 – We welcome Aranza Martinez Leija and Ivan Jaramillo Litai, ENLACE summer students visiting from Mexico. We are excited to have you here for the summer!

February 18, 2022 – Andrew gives a talk at the Princeton Developmental Biology Colloquium. It was wonderful to meet members of the Princeton biology community!

December 11, 2021 – Our first holiday potluck, held with the Dickinson lab members.

October 11, 2021 – We are welcoming three new undergraduates to the lab. Welcome, Adele Hong, Margot Phillips, and Albert Kong.

September 27, 2021 – We are welcoming our first two lab members! Kensi Hartman starts as a staff research associate and Nate Takatsuno. Welcome!

September 16, 2021 – Our Leica Stellaris 5 is delivered to the lab. Can’t wait to start looking at our first plants and seeing all sorts of new things!

July 1, 2021 – The Muroyama Lab opens its doors in Muir Rm 3218!